What it means to be an Accredited Chest Pain Center
February 26, 2024

Clinch Valley Health's Chest Pain Coordinator Natasha Ramey, RN, BSN on the set of WVVA's In Focus with a trophy from the American College of Cardiology.
Chest Pain Coordinator Natasha Ramey explains Clinch Valley Health receives a trophy and a certificate each time the hospital completes the reaccreditation process through the American College of Cardiology. This process is a detailed evaluation of Clinch Valley Health's policies, procedures, and performance. The awards are meant to recognize the team's hard work and achievements in maintaining high standards of excellence.
What does it mean to be an Accredited Chest Pain Center? It means Clinch Valley Health meets or exceeds quality of care measures for our patients who may be having a heart attack or other cardiac event. Accreditation as a chest pain center demonstrates the highest level of education and training for all hospital personnel in alignment with current ACC/AHA guidelines and clinical best practices for cardiac patients and consistency in the assessment and treatment of cardiovascular patients across all hospital department.
Learn more here https://www.clinchvalleyhealth.com/emergency-room/chest-pain-symptoms and https://www.clinchvalleyhealth.com/news/clinch-valley-health-talks-heart-health-month-and-cancer-prevention-month-on-wvvas-in-focus